Monday, October 26, 2009

Week 9 (29.10.2009)


Today is very dissappointed day because the budget of our proposal can't approve. So i should have find another way to make our section become more efficient and effective.

For all community in section 1, i with my vice Ms Nadiah already plan 1 structure for yours update the blog. Actually, every activity will change the organization structure but for make us not confusing with this case. Our Communtiy have 1 organization "induk" which is your vote in first meeting. So the top are not changing but its not mean i want to interrupt the activity. The way is, we should develop a sub organization that have Project Manager (Pengurus Project) only and secretary. For example, Shida is the top of secretary so the sub secretary will refer to shida when make a report for all activity. Other than that, we should develop 1 blog for section 1 which is not for department but for section 1 that just include all activity that already move. If you have any question or opinion please comment in my blog.

The activity plan in January 2010:
1. Volunteer in Zoo Negara - Project Manager ( Nor Nadiah )
2. Sungai Tengkalak - Project Manager ( Humprey )

If any activity, please tell me......

Update by Vice Director : Ms Nadiah Cvb 080712832

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Week 8 (22.10.09)


Today i would like to tell about the story for the whole of this week..First at all, thanks to my Majlis Tertinggi of event at Pulau Langkawi especially for nadiah, haikal, hadi, erwie, shida also, dollah and also Faz because they give full support to continue for the big event at Langkawi although some are make "it go". Actually, several of my community are not happier for this project because the activity is tough but i want to share with all community, the activity that include in project Langkawi is not come from me only but from the MT. I hope the community are not blame me for the tough activity but see for the whole things. Please be brave to conduct the big event although we are busy for the exam n final project. This is the last chance to gain more knowledge and experience of conduct big event because after this no more chance.

By the way, the story of this week is our proposal for Langkawi already sent to Dean and Program Bachelor of MPP. I hope we get the budget as soon as possible. This saturday, we also have volunteer in Surau Pandan. So for all community, good luck......


Thursday, October 15, 2009

Week 7 (15.10.09)


Alo, i'm back...this is my place to tell about the volunteering for my section... Last tuesday, the emergency activity are happen but i not surprise because i know earlier. Thank You haikal because you discuss with me about the activity. The activity are run successfully and we are get 2 1/2 hours.

The planning can't involve Chandra because he want to celebrate Deepavali. i hope for this people, please respect each other in the class as a 1 community. Don't make your decision until discuss in class.

Anyway Good Luck Mr Hadi....

Week 6 ( 1.10.09 )

Askum sume,

i'm back to tell the activiti that happent for the week 6. For your information our proposal still did not submit to Ustaz because we need to make adjustment for a several part.

This week, still the same problem happen when not all community member are attend the class that i hope but i don't want to mention every week about the same problem.Hopefully they can attend the class.

Thank you...

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Week 5 ( 8.09.09 )


Setelah mengumkan kan organisasi terbaru untuk VIC, akhirnya aku telah membahagikan tugas kepada beberapa orang ahli untuk mendapatkan segala benda yang penting untuk Kampung yang telah aku umumkan. Dan exco aktiviti memainkan peranan untuk merancang segala aktiviti yang dijangka akan berlaku.

Akhirnya, sume aktivit telah dirancang dan hanya menunggu pengesahan dari Ustaz.


Week 4 ( 27.08.09 )


Hari ini,aku telah mengumumkan organisasi baru yang telah dirancang 2 minggu lepas. Pada mulanya terdapat sedikit keraguan di antara Pengarah dan Pengurus.

Disini ialah tugasan setiap jawatan

Pengarah - Memantau segala aktiviti ahli lain dari jauh sama.
Timb - Membantu dalam hal pemantauan dan keputusan Pengarah
Pengurus - Akan menerima segala arahan dari pengarah untuk disampaikn kepada ahli lain
Timb - Membantu Pengurus untuk melakukan tugasan.
S/usaha - Mencatik segala aktiviti yang berlangsung
B/hari - Mengira budget

Ajk Aktiviti - Rancang sume aktiviti khidmat masyarakat
Ajk Logistik - Segala peralatan diperlukan dan disediakan.
Ajk Pemasaran - Memasarkan aktiviti di khalayak ramai
Ajk Tugas2 Khas - Membantu segala aktiviti
Ajk kebajikan - Membantu dalam segala aktiviti sosial

Ini adalah ringkasan untuk tugasan setiap ahli.... tengok k...

Week 3 ( 13.08.09 )


Setelah 2 minggu mencari lokasi yang sesuai,akhirnya Pihak Majlis Tertinggi berjaya mendapatkan informasi tentang 2 buah kampung iaitu Kampung Pulau Tuba dan Kampung Wang Tok Rendong.

Disamping itu,memandangkan projek di Langkawi ini terlalu besar...Akhirnya aku telah membuat 1 keputusan iaitu dengan mengubah strukture organisasi dan mengubah 4 orang ahli kabinet unutk memegang porfolio baru. Antara yang diubah ialah :

Mohd Fuazri - Pengarah Program
Nor Nadiah - Timbalan Pengarah
Tuan Nazmizam - Pengurus Program
Muhamad Hadi - Timbalan Pengurus
Mohd Khaikal - Exco Logistik & Agama

Disampin itu juga,kesemua pelajar VIC section 1 telah mendapat tugas masing2...Keputusan ini akan diumumkan 2 minggu lagi.

Wait yaaaa

Update by Vice Director : Ms Nadiah Cvb 080712832

Week 2 ( 30.07.09)


Selepas 2 minggu mencari lokasi yang sesuai,akhirnya pihak Majlis Tertinggi telah berjaya mendapat Pulau Langkawi sebagai aktiviti khidmat masyarakat. Pihak Majlis Tertinggi masih tidak dapat mengesahkan Kampung mana yang terlibat secara langsung dalam aktiviti ini....

Antara Kampung yang berjaya dikenal pasti ialah:
1. kampung Bukit Lembu
2. Kampung Pulau Tuba

Sekian untuk waktu ini......

Week 1 ( 16.7.2009)

Askum sume, aku telah dilantik secara rasmi sebagai Pengurus untuk subjek VIC dibawah naungan Ustaz Marzuki....Alhamdulillah,sahabat aku masih memberi kepercayaan kepada aku untuk mengurus Voluntering Community untuk section aku..

Selepas dilantik sebagai Pengurus untuk VIC ini, aku hanya mendengar pelbagai idea untuk melakukan khidmat masyarakat. Aku memberi masa selama 1 minggu untuk AJK aku memberi kata putus....

Jmpa lain hari plak k....